Started singing early - after Brits stopped wanting to sound like Yankees and started to explore what nature had given them. There was some wonderful music then; Carthy, The Collins sisters, Tony Rose, The Corries, The Battlefield band and so on and a raft of fine heritage bands to dance to. We started folk clubs, ceilidhs, workshops, festivals and morris dancing (well, no-one's perfect) Northern Festivals tended to be competitive, whereas Southern ones had a full star system and featured electric folk bands to finish the concerts off. So much choice!
- Came to Oz in 1985 and initially played for Sydney Morrismen. Started a singing session in Rozelle which is when I gave up on pubs.
- Started the Loaded Dog Folk Club in Johnston Street, Annandale, which is still going strong (thanks Sandra) and is noted for its fine singing.
- Became a volunteer folk broadcaster, 2 SER then 2MBS. Seventeen years (so far) of playing and listening to the very finest of Aussie and Foreign folk music.
- With my husband, Roger Fyfe, cooked for, and ran the Soup Kitchen at St. Alban's festival for three years.
- Retired into Newcastle and regained my maiden name. Now go to Folk Clubs,Festivals, sessions, and am generally involved around the place. Still love to play and sing.
- The trophy in the photograph was won in the Scottish Festival at Newcastleton in 2008 for solo Border Ballad. I couldn't bring it home to Aussie.
What has Folk Music given to me? Well, EVERYTHING. A lifetime of knowing I can go anywhere in the English speaking world and find a session or folk music gathering. A network of friends that spans the globe and ALWAYS a song in my heart.