Wednesday, 6 June 2012

30 Years without a proper job!

30 Years without a ‘real’ job!
Is  he ‘Folk’? or is he ‘Country’?
Pat Drummond is that man, who with more than 30 years of trekking the Country making music, is probably all the above and much more.  He is impossible to pigeonhole as a seasoned observer of human nature should be.  It is easy for him to drop into another persona with wit and humour, and to make their joys and sorrows open to all.

Did I mention he is a consummate musician and writes award-winning songs?  His life is littered with awards for his country music, and achievements on stage both as a soloist and with others.

It’s old age that’s slowing him down.  He says he wants to go into semi-retirement as he has hit the big six-oh. However before, he slips into his dotage, he is going to make time for us on 7th July, at the Folk Club, in the Wesley Centre hall, at 150 Beaumont St. Hamilton, at 7.30 p. 

Retirement? Don’t you believe it!  He is so active and sprightly he looks only half his age and besides, the Australian music scene won’t let him.  Read more at

Anyway he is thoroughly upstaged in that respect by our support artist, Douglas Stewart, who tops Pat’s record by more than twenty years.  At the age of 82, Douglas has spent almost sixty years on the stage, mostly in Britain.  He specializes in musical comedy, but has a marked flair for bush poetry, Flanders and Swan, bits from Gilbert and Sullivan, and more.  He is amazing, and has had the Lakeside Folk Circle in stitches since he arrived last year. 

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